Post #12 (Runescapes Best Flippers & Merchanters)
Hello fellow readers today I will be talking about some of the best flippers and merchanters of Runescape and they are highly recommended to check out their friend chats. On Runescape flipping isn't a skill but a very good thing to know. This is done many various ways but just look it up and you can figure out how to make millions to billions of gold pieces. Top Flippers / Merchanters Of Runescape "Top 3" 2012 #1 - Linkbuilder ( Lumbridgecity ) #2 - Silentc0re #3 - Gezakiller To be continued ! Updated as of 03/07/2012 How I make the reviews is by totally random, watching YouTube videos and choosing the best of the best. More progress will be made to this post so Stay Tuned Maybe The Next Top Flipper Could Be You . ***Disclaimer*** Runescape is a Registered Trademark of Jagex Inc. I do not own any rights to their content or the game Runescape . I am simply a player from Runescape. Only using R...