
Showing posts from April, 2017

Post #17 ( My Amazing Trip To Victoria, BC,CANADA )

MY AMAZING TRIP TO VICTORIA BC CANADA Hello fellow readers, I am sorry again for not being able to post for a little while I have been very busy working my new amazing job in Victoria BC.  Unfortunately due to privacy policies I can't specifically tell you where I am working but I am connecting you lovely people to the future of technology hint hint.  I really miss my friends from high school now it has been a while since we all got together and had a good time.  I keep trying to keep myself busy and learn new things everyday to make my life easier and more .  This year has been an amazing accomplishment I have met probably over 100 new people in a few months from all walks of life.  As your reading this drinking your cup of coffee or tea, I just wanted to say thank you for continuing to read my blogs and interesting posts I have.  More to come in the future for sure if I am not too busy I will try and post more often for all of you to enjoy.  H...