
Showing posts from December, 2011

Post #5 One of the Best ! (IPhone Apps)

Hello fellow readers, So in this post I will be talking about " Apps made by Apple ". Follow along and read my thoughts and enjoy !           You probably have heard of those things called I-pods and I-phones, well they are mobile devices made by apple, and they can do many things. But a big part of I-pods and I-phones is the apps themselves. -There are many type of different apps some for games, some for work and some for entertainment. The ones I will talk about today are the gaming genre type apps. These apps are very POPULAR with teens because they have so much time on their hands, heck I am a teen so I would know. Some of the most popular games are ones that are ones with violence like the personal shooters. Or any apps with guns and shooting. -Another type of genre within the genre of gaming would be the more fun and entertaining games and more appropriate games for kids.  - This category would be like games like the smurfs, fruit ninja...

(What Makes A Comment Unique) Blog Post #4

Hello fellow readers, Today I will be talking about "What Makes A Comment Unique".            So we ask ourselves what is so unique about a comment ? Well a comment is unique because you are the one who writes it and it isn't a comment that is copied around. Because saying "Oh those flowers look nice", when it's a blog about trees it wouldn't make much sense.           Also comments are a very good because they also give the blog writer confidence about what they wrote, if a writer never had confidence you would see that the work they create is not up to par with other things people write. There is also something called self confidence, which can be a factor with writing aswell as motivational confidence, which is what I just talked about. Anyways back to comments, I find it funny how I randomly go off topic sometimes. That's just how my brain does things. So with a good aswell as a bad comment, it is still a comment and a ...

Get Excited For Post # 3 !!! (How To Create A Fantastic Blog Post) 6 Steps

Hello fellow readers, Today I will be talking about making professional and fantastic blog posts. For sites such as blogger. So what you will need to know is that blogging is not a job so be relaxed when you blog and don't be all hipped up on caffine and energy drinks. Step #1 - Create content fresh from your melon (head). Not what someone else has already said. Step #2 - Always always always !!! be creative with your blog posts. People don't like boring posts. Example Hi my names fred and im selling something that you should buy. End of example. - See no one will buy freds lame product. 1 he has no links or pictures to his product, it doesn't look like he is selling anything interesting. And he is being lame !!!!! So don't be like fred, create a blog that means something to you and your valued customers. Step #3 - It is not you reading the blog, it is people you know or do not know. So make it interesting. Don't talk about oh today I di...

My Fantastic 2nd blog post !!!!

Welcome to this weeks special edition blog. So today I will talk about a few random things like always so enjoy ! Point number 1 most important remember to check out my Youtube channel Arules007. For Youtube I will be posting up some new content soon when I have some more time, and I will be releasing a new e-book soon. :))) so keep posted with that. Just wanted to give a shout out to for being a generous sponsor with this blog. We could not be going without our sponsors. Also if you like sales check out, their clearance section has some amazing kick but deals you will enjoy for the holidays. Everybody loves new content so if you like these then stay with me and my wonderful blog ! On Sale for 25% !! For that iron man inside us. Hope you enjoyed post # 3 and keep po...