Get Excited For Post # 3 !!! (How To Create A Fantastic Blog Post) 6 Steps

Hello fellow readers,

Today I will be talking about making professional and fantastic blog posts. For sites such as blogger.

So what you will need to know is that blogging is not a job so be relaxed when you blog and don't be all hipped up on caffine and energy drinks.

Step #1

- Create content fresh from your melon (head). Not what someone else has already said.

Step #2

- Always always always !!! be creative with your blog posts. People don't like boring posts.


Hi my names fred and im selling something that you should buy.

End of example.

- See no one will buy freds lame product. 1 he has no links or pictures to his product, it doesn't look like he is selling anything interesting. And he is being lame !!!!!

So don't be like fred, create a blog that means something to you and your valued customers.

Step #3

- It is not you reading the blog, it is people you know or do not know.

So make it interesting. Don't talk about oh today I did this that day I did that.

I repeat " No one will read it".

Step #4

- Because we need more steps in here I made a step 4.

Ok so we know to be creative and interesting in our blogs we also need to make some money out of it too. I mean yes people don't wanna just see advertisements that flood your blog. So don't do that you will have no respect from others.

- So use something like an affiliate program or google adsense. Google has small advertisements and doesn't make your blog look like a infomercial cause we all love those. Not I'm kidding.

Step #5

- Yes were almost done, I know I may be a little boring but hey. Your still reading so I guess I'm not that boring.

Make sure you have good grammar in your posts and not silly words like "yo dawg read this shinangans."

Step #6

- If you have a blog about your website then make sure you have email links to you so your customers stay happy and updated with new products. But and this is a huge thing lots of people need to know.

Do not spam customers they are at your website to buy stuff and see good quality content. Not of get this for 100% off and you'll save. No people hate spam so don't spam them. They will most likely leave your customer database and never come back.

Ok so that's all I have for today, I hope you all make fantastic blogs in the future with my nifty and useful tips. Again remember to email me with comments questions and concerns to I love to hear what you all have to say. Thanks and have a fantastic day.

Written by,


P.S. Remember to share this blog, to all your friends, and family so they can also know how to produce "A Fantastic Blog".


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