
Showing posts from January, 2012

(Post #7) My life on Runescape !

Hello fellow readers,         Today I will be talking about Runescape. One of my favourite things to do on runescape is to do something called merchanting. Merchanting is where you invest into items and end up making a profit. I also like to flip merch which is where you flip an item to make a profit. My runescape name is Arules007 it has 78 combat at the moment, and sadly my bank info is classified. For all those scammers look at this haha. My clan chat at the moment is Lumbridgecity You can join that clan by going to the site and go to the mastermind forum and apply Today ! You can make huge money with Lumbridgecity they teach you how to make billions all legitimately. So learn how to and join em. If your looking to make huge money but not in a clan chat feel free to join "Maxxgp" . This is my merchanting friends chat ! We use to be a merchanting clan. But now we help people make money legitimately. We use f2p items and ra...

Post #6 (How To Stay In Fantastic Shape For Soccer) ! Easy Tips for all Ages

Hello fellow readers,                                                                         Today's blog Number 6 !!, I will be talking about "How to stay in fantastic shape for Soccer". Now you may already know a few ways but I have been playing soccer for 10 years so I know a thing or two. About the sport and how to stay in shape to be the best at it. By the way I won the championships for 2010 for house soccer. That was a pretty cool experience.         I will say my amazing tips and tricks in a few easy steps to make it easier to read, I enjoy people who enjoy what I write so I find as a reader and writer it is important to make sure the readers understand what I write and I can understand what I say easily. Step #1 Nutrition Is Key           ...