Post #9 (How To Get Free Blogging Traffic)
Today I will be talking about how to get massive FREE blogging traffic.
Lots of people all over the internet today are looking every where to getting free traffic, and good quality traffic too.
There are many ways to get this kind of traffic. I will explain so you can understand easily.
Link for Link - In the niche of blogging you need the traffic to make any kind of decent money. Now there are many upon many ways to getting traffic. A big one is free blog advertising (link for link), this can be where you go to a website that says "hey put in your blog details here" then it says "post this link on your blog to get views now".
Ah right see the catch ?? Post this on your blog to get the views now. This is how many blog advertisers make big money. Link for link exchanges. But most people call them link for link.
Soical Media - This is a very important blog advertising method to consider, its free and with those 1000+ freinds on facebook you know what I mean, its time to make some of them check out your blog.
Some massive social media sites to spread around your blog link would be, I already mentioned it. Facebook, to start.
Twitter - make a tweet about it ! Tweet Tweet !
Youtube - make a cool review of your blog and link it to youtube ! They see your video and your link to your blog ! (put a link in your videos description)
Myspace Freindster.
Blog Ping Services - Now hey this is what I mainly use for my massive traffic by the way this blog has over 1,100 blog views ! Thanks so much guys by the way.
Good free blog pinging services - Pingomatic, etc. there are endless free ones.
Now one of the best I like to use pings to 1288 sites !!! for free. So PUT THIS ON THE LIST !!!!
Also a massive one Backlinking! This is a very important one to get quality links from.
Backlinks - These can be obtained by making numerous posts and as I like to call them feeders. For your main blog. So review about example, video about example, article about example.
I think you get my point on the examples.
There are also more ways than that. But you will have to look around the wonderful and scary web to find them.
Another method of course is to pay for your blogs views but who wants to do that ? Unless of course you can afford the payments then be my guest.
Thanks for reading,
Written by Arules007
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