Post #16 (The Discovery of One of The Best Twitter Profiles: @OnlyGoodCovers)

Hello fellow readers,
I am really very sorry I haven't been blogging for quite some time now.  My life has been very busy lately starting my first year of university ! But it has also been an amazing experience so far ! Once you can afford it, it is really worth gaining new knowledge on specific areas of interest.  Now back to the main topic of @OnlyGoodCovers ! <= Click to go to Twitter Page !

I actually created this twitter account not that long ago about 2 years now.  It is a Twitter profile dedicated to promoting musicians alike whether it be established artists or people who are just starting in the music industry.  I am a music buff at heart so I wanted to create a way for musicians to get free promotion to any good song covers that they make.  The catch is the song covers have to give the proper credits where applicable and they must, must, must be premium content only !  Otherwise it would give us the wrong image promoting for people who don't honestly deserve it yet.  After they gain enough experience though they are most welcome to get re-tweeted and promoted.

To access the Twitter Page here is a link provided again below !!
=> @OnlyGoodCovers <=

To give proper credit to musicians the post must be made clear that it is a (COVER), and who originally created/wrote the song.  Here is an example of a persons song cover with proper credit to the artist.

A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera - Say Something (Guitar Cover)
(Add a link here to your cover)  @AGreatBigWorld @ChristinaAguilera #guitar #song #cover #2014

The link can either be a  Vine, Youtube video, Soundcloud snipit, or a Bandcamp or a Reverbnation link.

Youtube, Soundcloud and Vine are more appreciated though.

Hope you enjoyed reading the new post ! Sorry again for it taking forever I have been very busy lately will try to post more this year !!
Written by Arules007

======Disclaimer:  I do not own any rights to ownership of Twitter, Soundcloud, Youtube, Vine, Bandcamp or Rebverbnation.  I am not affiliated with any, I am just a regular user for their services !  All Rights & Regulations respected.======


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